What We Do

The Adams Retirement System was established in 1937 under the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32. There are 106 such pension systems across the commonwealth serving the retirement needs of state and municipal employees.

Our system includes 6 member units consisting of: All the employees for the Town of Adams, Adams Fire District, Adams Housing Authority, Adams Retirement System, Adams/Cheshire Regional School District, (all employees except teachers) and the Northern Berkshire Solid Waste District.

The Adams Retirement Board is comprised of five members. Two members are elected from among the general membership of the retirement system. A third member is appointed by the Town Administrator. The fourth member is the ex-officio member. This would be the current person serving as the Town Accountant. The fifth member is appointed to the Board by the other four members. The elected members and the appointed members serve three year terms. The ex-officio member serves for an indefinite period at the will of the Commission.

The Retirement Board is vested with the fiduciary duty to manage the system and its funds in the best interest of its members. The Board has primary responsibility for investing the funds in the best combination of return and minimum risk. The Board sets general policy in all matters not explicitly set out in M.G.L. Chapter 32. The Board also hears and decides the outcome of applications for disability.